Joseph & Augusta

joseph augusta primary

The following remarks are from The Republican Party of New Hampshire's Salute to Ambassador Petrone, October 19th, 2012.

You don't often get a chance to publicly thank people who have truly changed your life, so I hope you won't mind if I take a moment to do just that.

Listening to the speakers tonight and thinking about Governor Sununu’s kind words, I can’t help but think that with all of the amazing things that Joseph and Augusta have done, their most remarkable accomplishment may well be that they became even more active after Joseph “retired.”

I say “retired,” because any of you who know the Petrones know that what they consider a normal, everyday pace during this “retirement” would kill most normal people. And all you have to do is ask their friends who will all tell you the same thing: it is impossible to keep up with these two, we’ve all tried.

But, I think I've finally figured out their secret: They are simply the most positive people you will ever meet. It is impossible to be in a room with these two for more than ten minutes and be in a bad mood.

And no matter what challenges they face, or how crazy things get (not that that would ever happen in politics), they will always find a silver lining. It is a marvel to behold.

I can’t think of anyone like them, but I think they're able to do it for 3 reasons: their deep love for our country, a heartfelt desire to see others succeed, and their truly inspirational love for each other.

I can’t tell you how many times my wife Holly and I have watched them, looked at each other, and thought the same thing: THAT'S our model for a happy marriage.

I know it’s getting late, but I'd like to leave you with one story that I think sums up both their love of life and their love for each other.

Maybe about five or six years ago Augusta and I were on the phone and she said, "I have to go in a minute, we're late for lunch and Joseph is still on the roof.”

I said, “What did you just say?”

And in that marvelously girlish giggle she has, she said, “Exactly what you thought I just said.”

I said, “Augusta, what is he doing on the roof?”

She sighed and said, “Harry, when you've been in love as long as we have you learn there are some questions you no longer ask, because there are certain battles you are never going to win.”

So the next time I saw Joseph I couldn’t help myself, I asked, “Just out of curiosity, What were you doing on the roof!?”

And he looked at me like that was the silliest question he’d ever heard and he said, “The gutters needed be cleaned, so I cleaned’em.”

That's Joseph and Augusta. Something needs to be done, they do it.  Someone needs help, they help them.

And that's why I think you be hard pressed to find two people who have touched so many lives, in more meaningful ways, without ever expecting anything in return. And why I'm truly proud and honored to get to thank you both for all that you do for our county, and for so many of us that you have helped in so many ways. So many of us who will never be able to even begin to repay your encouragement, support, and kindness.

Thank you both for literally changing my life, and the lives of so many of your friends, for the better.

Harry Levine Co-Founded Victory NH with Ambassador Petrone